What is your body type?

We can distinguish three types when defining the body type. These are: ectomorphic, endomorphic and mesomorphic. To set the goal that you want to achieve, you need to know your body type. This will help you choose the right workout plan and diet. Here is a brief example of how organisms can differ from each other.
Your friend can eat a double portion of ice cream for breakfast every day, pizza for dinner and chocolate while looking like a model from the cover of a magazine. At the same time, you are following a strict diet every day, giving up on sweet cravings, pouring out the last sweat at the gym, and the effects are still not visible? The main reason for this situation is probably building of your body, that is, your body type. Some people tend to put on weight and store fat, while others gain muscle quickly despite the lack of a restrictive diet. Let’s take a closer look at these three body types.
What is your body type? Ectomorph
Ectomorphs are slim people, with a small physique and a fit figure. They usually have long limbs and narrow shoulders due to the small circumference of the bones. You may think that this is the desired type of figure, but it is not entirely true. Although ectomorphs have a naturally accelerated metabolism and we recommend for them high caloric intake, it should not come from junk food, sweets and sweetened drinks. Such an unhealthy diet will not cause any sudden weight gain, but their body shape will not be perfect. We can call such a person skinny fat, it means that they have fat, but it is not visible on the small body.
Ectomorphs find it much more difficult to achieve the intended effects and then maintain them. Muscles developed with a lot of trouble will not last long without sticking to a properly balanced diet and regular workout sessions.
What is your body type? Endomorphs
Endomorphs have by far the most difficult life. Their silhouette is characterized by a massive build and thick bones. It is much more difficult for them to hide imperfections under clothes than it is for ectomorphs, and they often struggle with persistent overweight. This is due to slow metabolism and a high tendency to gain weight. Fat storage occurs mainly around the abdomen and internal organs, which increases the likelihood of developing diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart and circulation diseases. The yo-yo effect is also not an ally here.
Of course, achieving the dream figure by ectomorphs is also difficult, but not impossible. With proper getting yourself together, a big dose of motivation, regular workouts and a healthy diet, you can overcome this genetic hurdle.
What is your body type? It is the most desirable type of figure and unfortunately the least common. Mesomorphs are muscular, well-proportioned, with lots of muscle and a minimal amount of fat. To maintain and build muscles, as well as maintain a slim figure, they should stick to a diet based primarily on protein and carbohydrates.
Mesomorphs are born athletes, it is very easy for them to achieve their intended effects that last a long time. They are made to perform really hard workouts without worrying about quick regeneration. However, despite their excellent genetic predisposition, mesomorphs must remember about a well-balanced diet and training to prevent muscle loss. Consistency and self-discipline are the key to success and an impressive figure that others will admire and envy.
What is your body type? We must remember that none of us is a ‘pure’ one hundred per cent ectomorph, endomorph or mesomorph. There are also mixed types. Most people have a mixed body type, for example, they have a muscular body with a tendency to gain fat quickly. You have to realize that our genetic conditioning is a secondary issue in the fight for a dream figure. The most important thing is a reasonable approach, being focused and determined in pursuing the chosen goal.
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