The perfect hairbrush, how to choose it?

It would seem that the choice of a brush is a trivial topic. This is a very important point. The purchase of a good quality brush should be well-thought so that you do not waste money on a caring dud and take care of the good condition of your hair. So how to choose the perfect hairbrush?
Manufacturers try to outdo each other in ideas and launch new models on the market. Store shelves are fully with different models. When entering the store, we have so much choice that we cannot make up our minds. Finally, we make our choice based on the nice packaging and appearance of the product but not its functionality. But wih us, you choose the really perfect hairbrush!
Facts – what is important!
- Bad care using an inappropriate tool can damage your hair. This is because during brushing the hair we demage cuticle. Overlapping keratin tiles build the cuticle and they act as the protective barrier of the hair. Bad tools can cause micro-scratches on the thin keratin structure and this opens the way for further hair damage. As a consequence, such a scratched cuticle will not reflect light perfectly and the hair will lose its shine. So choosing the perfect hairbrush is really important!
- The second point is – tugging while brushing – you can break off tangled ends and that may lead to breaking or pulling out of weakened hair.
- Another thing is a technique about which many people forget in a hurry. Namely, we should start combing from the ends that are the most problematic. If you managed to break the knots then we go further up.
What to look for when choosing the perfect hairbrush?
We can choose brushes with different bristles:
- Natural – the most popular are boar bristles. Their bristles are stiff and durable, but also gentle and hair-friendly. So there is no fear that the brush will damage its structure. An advantage during brushing is the possibility of massaging the scalp – keratin bristles will stimulate circulation and oxygenate the hair roots. In addition, they will spread moisturizing sebum along the entire hair length, giving it shine and closing the hair cuticles. Such brushes do not electrify the hair, reduce frizz and do not tangle the strands.
- Natural mixed with artificial – besides the bristles they have ball-ended pins, which additionally facilitate detangling the hair and provide a more thorough massage with varying degree of pressure on the scalp.
- Artificial – nylon, plastic, silicone, vinyl, metal (they are the worst – they scratch the cuticle). Good quality products do not differ from the natural ones but with time such artificial needles may bend and the balls may fall out – we should replace such a brush because damaged elements will damage, scratch and pull out the hair. We can also find brushes with an additional, reinforced coating – covered with ceramics, mineral alloys, e.g. tourmaline and other compounds, e.g. silver ions. They ensure the perfect condition of the hair and have antistatic and antibacterial properties – they do not attract dirt to the surface.
- Wooden, bamboo – mainly used for stimulating massage.
The main tasks of a good brush:
- Cleansing – removes dirt, callous epidermis, dead hair, cosmetic residues.
- Stimulation – massages the scalp and as a result, oxygenates the bulbs – which accelerates hair growth.
- Detangling – disentangling, smoothing of hair and closing the hair cuticles.
- Modelling – helps with styling.
The types of brushes that we can choose from:
Detangling brushes
On store shelves, we can find classic wide, rectangular, oval and even triangular brushes. Their bristles or teeth are usually placed on a pillow, which ensures the comfort of use and helps to adjust to the shape of the head. We can also find modern brushes – with an open structure, i.e. with holes that facilitate the airflow and drying of the hair while detangling it. Airbrushes are additionally profiled to lift larger parts of the hair. They are also suitable for styling hairstyles.
Brushes for styling with the use of a hairdryer
Usually, these are round brushes that are used in styling hairstyles. They add volume and give the desired shape, e.g. waves or the effect of a smooth surface. You can choose ones with different diameter – more thick brushes are suitable for long hair, the ones with a smaller diameter, in turn, are recommended for short hair or fringe. What’s more – choose one that has an appropriate coating, e.g. ceramic. Such a brush should provide thermo-protection so that under the influence of heat from the hairdryer, it does not heat the hair too much and damage it.
Scalp massage brushes
They are equipped with e.g. wooden teeth with round heads. The advantage of such brushes is the lack of the effect of electrified hair, which is ensured by the antistatic cushion.
Type of hair and brush choice
If you have thick, long or straight hair, an oval or rectangular brush with a large area will be a good choice. For hair that gets greasy quickly, is thin or dull, we would recommend brushes with natural bristles or mixed with additional nylon teeth finished with balls. On the other hand for curls, you should use a brush with widely spaced teeth. Round brushes with a small diameter are suitable for short hairstyles, while those with a large diameter are dedicated to longer hair.
See also: How to pick a good hair comb?
To sum up – the choice of a brush is very important if you want to provide your hair with proper care. The cheapest brushes available at the drugstore can be made from poor quality materials that wear out quickly and as a result, can damage the hair. The key issue for good hair condition is the material from which the bristles or teeth are made. The brush handle and its shape are a secondary matter, resulting from your preferences and the comfort of brushing. The choice of model largely depends on the type of hair, preferences and the effect we want to achieve. There is neither a single answer nor a perfect universal type of brushes that will work for everyone. In any case, it might seem that the perfect brush will combine tradition with modernity.