The most popular facts and myths about eating – see if you know them all!
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Every single one of us wants to maintain slim, athletic physique. To achieve this we try to follow some trusty rules. In our society there are a lot of theories about weight-loss dieting and healthy lifestyle. Many of them are unfortunately entirely false! If people from the closest environment: friends, family or media all say the same it must be true. It is due to the fact that a lie repeated many times eventually becomes believable and seems to be real. We would like to correct that. Below you will learn about the most popular facts and myths about eating.
The most popular facts and myths about eating – table of contents:
- The last meal should be eaten before 6 pm. Eating later is forbidden. – MYTH
- Plant fats help to lose weight and are necessary in the diet – FACT
- Cholesterol in eggs is unhealthy – MYTH
- Potatoes are fattening, so to lose weight you have to give them up – MYTH
- You can eat fruits freely on a diet – MYTH
- The majority of vegetables can be eaten without restrictions – FACT
- Gluten – you have to exclude it totally – MYTH
- Soups are full of calories and fattening – MYTH
- You shouldn’t eat between meals – FACT
- Coffee burns calories – MYTH
- Coffee is a stimulant and has to be avoided or cut down on – MYTH
- Every honey is good – MYTH
- Lactose in milk is harmful, you should eliminate it from the diet immediately – MYTH
- Poultry in weight-loss diet will help to lose weight quickly – MYTH
- Dark bread is always healthier than white – MYTH
- Grapefruit is a source of negative calories – MYTH
The most popular facts and myth about eating: The last meal should be eaten before 6 pm. Eating later is forbidden. – MYTH
One of very popular myths is saying that you should eat the last meal should before 6 pm. If we eat later, we will gain weight for sure. Dieticians and personal coaches several times deal with such renown theory. A lot of people think that if they give up supper after 6 pm they will gain a better silhouette. Unfortunately, it does not work like this! We have to establish at what time we are getting ready to sleep – because to be true, the time of going to sleep should set at which time we can eat the last meal, whether is 7 pm or 10 pm. The theory of eating till 6 pm will work, but only if we go to sleep at 9 pm.
Your organism, after 2-3 hours after the last meal, will manage to digest it, what will make it ready to rest. You have to remember that the time without food before sleep should not be too long. Because, the organism during sleep is regenerating and in order to do that it needs a little bit of energy to perform it right and effectively. So you can’t starve yourself, especially if you stay at night and work on a computer – Your body needs fuel for various activities. Additionally, the last meal before sleep should be light enough to not strain the metabolism and liver – which slow down in the evening.
The most popular facts and myths about eating: Plant fast help to lose weight and are necessary in the diet – FACT
People often associate fat with fat tissue, and due to that some people tries to limit its consumption or even eliminate fats entirely from the diet. However, fats, especially those of plant origin, are necessary in the diet, and even advised – as one of the macronutrients, next to proteins and carbohydrates. Not only meaning the weight-loss oriented diet, but everyday eating plan and good routine (diet should acknowledged as a way of eating). Plant fats are beneficial, because they supply the organism with valuable fatty acids: Omega-3 and Omega-6 and additionally vitamins and microelements.
False assumptions is that, we should avoid them and exclude them from the diet. Plant oils supply us with unsaturated fatty acids – indispensable for proper functioning of the circulatory system, proper metabolism and they regulate the process of digestion. Moreover, they fight free radicals and lower the risk for heart disease. There are some proves that ingesting Omega-3 fatty acids connect with lowering the level of triglycerides in blood. What is more, regular ingestion of plant fats lowers the risk of occurrence and reoccurrence of heart failure. But, overall consumption of fats in the diet should not exceed about 30% of daily energy needs, unsaturated acids should make not lower than 10%.
Fact: Fat plants like some fruits, e.g. avocado, nuts, seeds are superfoods and it is worth to include them in the diet.
The most popular facts and myths about eating – Cholesterol in eggs is unhealthy – MYTH
- A standard chicken egg of standard size (weighing about 50g) contains from 160 mg to 185 mg of cholesterol.
Through the years we have heart that we should have to not eat a lot of chicken eggs, that they elevate the concentration of cholesterol in blood and they are not beneficial for our health. Yet cholesterol is a substance essential for our health. It regulates the work of serotonin, which maintains good well-being, the quality of sleep and also takes part in the production of bile acids (so it helps digestion), takes part in the synthesis of vitamin D and creation of new cells (for example in the nervous system).
Why is it harmful? Because cholesterol from eggs we metabolize differently than that produced by our liver – it won’t create deposits in our arteries. Chicken egg consists an acceptable dose of cholesterol. A healthy person can freely eat from 3 to 5 eggs a day.
Without a doubt, it is true that faulty cholesterol is a factor promoting the development of atherosclerosis, which can then lead to coronary artery disease (ischemic heart disease). And even in extreme cases can lead to strokes or heart infarction. What is more, the excess of cholesterol can influence the development of erectile dysfunction and problems with fertility.
However, eggs have an excellent composition of valuable amino acids essential for the proper functioning of the organism and they will not promote the elevation of bad cholesterol level.
Their main benefit is that they contain:
- Vitamin D, E, A, K, B12, B2, B6
- Folic acid
- Micronutrients: zinc, iron, magnesium, calcium, copper, selenium, potassium and phosphorus
- Fatty acids: Omega-3 and Omega-6
- Lutein and beta-carotene – which protects sight and skin from UV radiation.
- Lecithin – which regulates cholesterol maintaining its proper level
- It is a source of well-absorbed protein and every essential amino-acids.
So without hesitation you can eat a portion of eggs for breakfast, even every single day if you feel like it.
The most popular facts and myths about eating: Potatoes are fattening, to lose weight you have to give them up – MYTH
It is a very popular statement, but it is definitely untrue. Some people add a little bit of butter to boiled potatoes to get more clear consistency “puree” and it could be the reason for their high calorie content reputation. However, all we need to extract their taste is a little bit of salt. After boiling, they are not so fattening after all, in 100 g there is only 66 kcal. In comparison to other side dishes like pasta (131 kcal in 100 g), white rice (130 kcal in 100g) or buckwheat groats (92 kcal in 100 g), potatoes come out pretty good. Then, there is no reason to say that they are so high in calories.
In favor of potatoes speaks their composition, because they are full of vitamins C, B6, B2, iron, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin PP (niacin), folic acid (B9), magnesium, zinc or fiber. They also help to regulate digestive processes, preventing acidification by other foods, lower blood pressure and to some extent protect the nervous system from stress.
The most popular facts and myths about eating: You can eat fruits freely being on a diet – MYTH
Yes, fruits are healthy, but eaten in moderation, because they contain simple sugar, namely fructose, which in high amounts promotes gathering fat! In further consequence can lead to diabetes, obesity or liver problems.
Of course, on reducing diet it is worth to eat fruits: 2-3 portions a day, because they are a source of vitamins and fiber. But not in the evening taking into account their high calorie content, because in the night the metabolism slows down and the organism might not burn it on time, and it will become fat tissue.
The most popular facts and myth about eating: The majority of vegetables can be eaten freely – FACT
It is due to the fact that they are really low on calories, have low glycemic index and very little carbohydrates. Fiber, which they contain, given a feeling of being full, and vegetables alone, due to high water content quickly fill the stomach reducing hunger. Among vegetables, which you can eat with no limitation are: Brussels sprouts, Celery, Broccoli, Cucumber, Zucchini, Lettuce, Cabbage, Tomato, Chard, Pepper, Eggplant, Kale, Kohlrabi and Cauliflower. We advise to eat a vegetable like that raw, to not lose valuable vitamins, minerals and fiber. Alternatively, a good option is to steam them. This rule does not apply to products of high starch content like potatoes, of course a portion to a meal is entirely okay.
The most popular facts and myths about eating – Gluten – you have to exclude it totally – MYTH
Removing gluten from the diet caused only by our whim can be unhealthy. Excluding it leads to vitamin and mineral deficit, for example, calcium, iron, B vitamins, magnesium, zinc. Because of lowered ingestion of grain products. As a result lower amount of fiber is constipation. Who should be on gluten-free diet? – Only if you have a diagnosed celiac disease, it is a valid point to change your diet. Other factor is also hypersensitivity to gluten, or allergy to wheat. Remember to consult a doctor before excluding gluten from your diet for good. Moreover, a talk with a dietician can help you put together a rational diet plan, which will contain alternatives of similar nutritious value as products.
Change of eating routine under the charm of popularity and strong advertisement by food industry is not a good choice. Articles telling you that gluten free products are healthier and will help you to lose weight fast or cleanse your bowels. But often they are a part of promotional campaign of big companies – so don’t let them get to you.
The most popular facts and mythsabout eating: Soups have high calorie content and are fattening – MYTH
Popular belief that soups are fattening and they have a negative impact on our silhouette is false. They are healthy for sure and even can help to lose weight or maintain it. One can say that, soup is an essence of every ingredient, meaning all nutritious and taste values. Additionally hot soup warms up the whole digestive tract, positively influences the metabolism and quickly adds energy. A dish in this form can be very satiating and be the main course of the meal. It is a full energy meal, not only a starter people may think.
To be truthful, some soups contain 1 spoon of 18% cream, but it is only 47 kcal. So it is not so much given the whole saucepan of the broth. It is worth pointing out, that the majority of soups are made on vegetable broth – so we have loads of vitamins. In case of soups calorie content, it all comes down to the way of preparation, spices and personal preferences. That is why it is worth to use home broth in everyday home cooking made: vegetables, lean meat and spices.
However, you should always avoid instant soups or those in form of powder. They contain salt, preservatives, taste and smell enhancers like sodium glutamate. Which in high amount is very harmful, it causes nausea, palpitations, nervousness and stimulation. And to produce pasta multiple chemical rippers and trans fats (saturated plant oils, most commonly palm oil) are used, which are hidden in these quick soups and it is no secret that they are very unhealthy.
The most popular facts and myths about eating: Do not snack between meals – FACT
It is one of the golden rules of healthy eating and it is 100% true, Regular meals and discipline is the key to success in maintaining proper weight.
Exactly those sweet and salty snacks, full of carbohydrates eaten between meals are responsible for unwanted effect of gaining weight. Snacking at work, by the computer or in front of the TV, has a detrimental effect on our calorie balance. It is not about starving oneself, but increase the amount of meals during the day, for example, to 5. Adding lunch and second breakfast to the regular meal plan, yet reducing the amount of particular meals for the calorie balance to match up.
A little exception are athletes, in whom due to intensive training the need to deliver a lot of calories increases. So, in their case protein bar or cocktail after leaving the gym is advised.
The most popular facts and myths about eating: Coffee burn calories – MYTH
Drinking coffee alone does not burn calories, but can have a beneficial effect on weight loss. Caffeine has a stimulating effect on the organism, nervous system and also metabolism, betters concentration and gives a kick to act, for example, during training or other activities. However, it doesn’t have direct correlation with burning calories.
The most popular facts and myths about eating: Coffee is a stimulant and has to be avoided or cut down on – MYTH
This cannot be more wrong, and those opinions are popular among people due to lack of knowledge. Coffee has a very beneficial influence on health, apart from caffeine it contains polyphenols and chlorogenic acid, which lead to enhancement of insulin sensitivity – so how the organism handles glucose and insulin management. Polyphenols, so antioxidants which coffee contains, have a beneficial effect on a human body. They act as antioxidant, antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory agents, and they even prevent atherosclerosis. The function of polyphenols in the coffee bush is the protection of the plant from dangerous bacteria and viruses. These compounds are also present in the coffee after the brewing and reduce the amount of free radicals in our body.
Coffee is definitively not a stimulant, because in comparison to other products available at the market, for example, cigarettes or alcohol – there is no negative side effects, which impact health, but paradoxically there are a lot of benefits. So these sayings are all wrong and harmful.
The most popular facts and myths about eating: Every honey is good! – MYTH
Honey is a much better alternative to sugar, due to its nutritious value. However, not every honey can make the cut. Honey has to be real. When choosing honey look at the label. If there are components like glycose-fructose syrup, sugar or other sweeteners or artificial colorings – you are dealing with artificial honey. It is no different than regular sugar – it does not have any nutritious value, apart from high calorie content.
Honey straight from bee-garden has a good influence the functioning of the red blood cell, cardiovascular and immune systems. Moreover, in natural, real honey there are loads of micronutrients, enzymes and vitamins, and it has antibacterial influence and helps to fight common colds. Remember to consume in moderation.
The most popular facts and myths about eating: Lactose present in milk is harmful, you should eliminate it from the diet immediately – MYTH
In healthy people who are lactose intolerant, dairy products are not an obstacle and there is no reason to exclude them. Only in people who are lactose intolerant it can cause gasses, stomach ache, a gurgling feeling in the gut and even lead to diarrhea. However, in people having problems with acne, milk can be a factor causing inflammation. Yet, this should be reviewed by a dermatologist.
Dairy in diet is very important, it is a good source of protein and delivers a good portion of calcium. Without consultation with a specialist, a doctor or a dietician beforehand it is not worth to eliminate milk products on your own. Because such decision has to be supported by rational reasons. There is also a need to introduce proper alternatives to dairy in such case, which will be balanced.
The most popular facts and myths about eating: Poultry in weight-loss diet can help to lose weight fast – MYTH
If you think that you will lose weight if you turn to weigh-loss diet, in which the main components would be poultry, you are hugely mistaken. White chicken meat, at first, seems to be lean, is full of calories and has lots of protein. Poultry, which lands on the plate can also be fat, it all comes to down to which piece you will pick. The process of breeding is also important. Poultry can be bred on big farms and fed with forage full of antibiotics and hormones. They accelerate their maturing, growth and make them gain weight quickly.
popularOf course, the producers will deny such practices, yet it is true that soy forages contain compounds similar to human hormones: estrogens. Exactly those compounds called phytoestrogens work as women hormones and after the slaughter are still present in meat. Their excess ingestion can lead to hormonal imbalance, thyroid problems, mood swings, weight gain and in men fat tissue development in womanly parts of the body. Among poultry there are also: ducks, geese, turkey, guinea fowl, quails – but the meat from this source is also calorific, although delicate and tender on the palate.
The diet alone during weight-loss is not all, only by connecting intensive training with rational eating you can effectively lose weight. That is why poultry alone is not a recipe for weight loss, it is worth to join it with other food products, because in excess it can cause sudden weight gain.
The most popular facts and myths about eating: Dark bread is always healthier than white bread – MYTH
It is a very popular belief, yet not every dark bread is really healthier than white, Some bread are only on the first look dark, which is achieved by colorants, for example, caramel, molasses, malt syrup, which give it a toffee or cocoa shade. This is a trap made by producers that many people get caught in, such artificially colored bread is no better than white and more caloric. Because caramel is just melted a sugar – a carbohydrate.
The most popular facts and myths about eating: Grapefruit is a source of negative calories – MYTH
In the world of fitness there is a theory of negative energetic balance, saying that the organism burns more calories through digestion and the whole metabolic process, than the eaten product contains calories. Due to that, the caloric balance is negative. However, it does not work like this and there is nothing like “negative calories”.
Grapefruits are of course full of water, vitamins and fiber, that is why you can eat then in high amounts. However, a strict grapefruit diet can negatively impact the health of a person. Taking into account high amount of fiber, the bowels can become strained leading to irritation and diarrhea. These wonderful weight-loss diets should be treated with huge reserve. It should be remembered that maintaining negative energy balance is not beneficial for the organism, because it constantly needs a specific amount of protein, fats and micronutrients.
Worth noticing is also the fact that one should not eat or drink grapefruit juice if we take prescription drugs. The substances in grapefruit can influence the taken substances, inhibiting or increasing their effect.