Obesity – an epidemic of the 21st century

Obesity and overweight – an alarming problem of the 21st century
Obesity and overweight are civilization problems that especially highly developed and rapidly developing countries should solve. The scale of this epidemic is very worrying and the statistics continue to rise. Certainly, you have noticed obese people in your environment, but you should not stigmatize this problem, because its background characterizes complication. It is also hard to beat this disease alone, and even if one does, it leaves a mark and a huge risk of relapse again. So how do you recognize the factors that trigger obesity and can you effectively overcome them?
Table of Contents:
Obesity and overweight how to distinguish them?
Types of obesity
How do I know if I am overweight or obese? Diagnostics and methods
Obesity and overweight facts and statistics
The causes of overweight and obesity
What are the consequences of obesity?
Treatment of obesity
Summary – How to overcome obesity?
1. Obesity and overweight how to distinguish them?
Obesity characterizes a significant excess of adipose tissue, which is a supernatural state. Fat overgrows the internal organs and the entire body, and the extra pounds overburden the entire organism. The joints and spine suffer the most, causing problems with walking. Obesity can sometimes turn into serious dysfunctions and diseases, preventing proper activity, enjoying life and leading to premature death. It is a chronic disease with a background, e.g. genetic, psychological, hormonal and, of course, environmental. Such factors as poor diet, sedentary lifestyle deprived of exercise and additional activities, as well as comorbidities and medications taken, e.g. steroids, which stimulate the appetite.
On the other hand, overweight is a state between optimal weight and obesity (BMI over 25 to 29.9). It mainly results from a poor diet that provides more calories than the body needs. Therefore, the surplus of unused energy is in the form of fat. But you can’t ignore excess weight and treat as additional curves that enrich the silhouette. Because it can quickly turn into obesity. And with a little determination and motivation, you can deal with excess weight on your own. In turn, with obesity, unfortunately not anymore. Therefore, you have to act immediately, instead of accepting the new state and extra kilos.
Types of obesity
We can distinguish obesity according to the shape that the silhouette takes, it is:
- Gluteal-thigh obesity – or gynoid obesity – this figure resembles a ‘pear’ shape. This type is typically feminine, due to hormonal conditions, which causes the accumulation of excess fat on the hips and thighs.
- Abdominal obesity – also known as android or central obesity – this figure takes the shape of an ‘apple’. The vast majority of body fat is around the waist and, to a lesser extent, on the neck and shoulders. It is a very dangerous type of obesity because the fat coveres vital internal organs and exposes to numerous complications that pose a real threat to life. This problem affects mostly men, but also affects postmenopausal women.
- Generalized obesity – where the body distribute extra pounds.
Another division of obesity is by weight on a four-point scale, calculated using the BMI index. This is obesity:
- I stage – moderate obesity – BMI from 30.0 to 34.9
- II stage – advanced obesity – BMI from 35.0 to 39.9
- III stage – severe obesity – BMI from 40.0 to 49.9
- IV stage – extremely severe obesity – BMI is 50.0 or more.
Another classification of obesity divides it in terms of its causes. This is obesity:
- Primary – where the stimulus for development is an unhealthy diet, lifestyle or genetic factor, stimulated by family predispositions and the consolidation of bad habits.
- Secondary – as a consequence of another disease. Here you can mention, among others hypothyroidism, menopause, hormonal problems, hypopituitarism, Cushing’s syndrome, Turner syndrome, or Down’s syndrome.
How to recognize if you are overweight or obese? Diagnostics and methods
The simplest method is to calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI). It shows the ratio of weight to height, so you can easily read which range you are in. Such self-control is very useful and can be an impulse for action, because, in the initial phase of weight gain, the BMI index may indicate, for example, a slight overweight. Which should be a signal for everyone to change their habits or diet. It is not worth waiting until you fall into the higher threshold and the fatty tissue will grow excessively. On the Internet, you will find many ready-made calculators and tables that show the limits of the correct weight.
Another and more professional method is the WHR (Waist to Hip Ratio). Because in addition to obesity diagnostics, it also indicates what type of obesity we are dealing with. To get to know it, you only need to measure the waist circumference and hip circumference and calculate the index. However, such a test only makes sense in overweight and obese people, in lean people the result will be false.
Another modern tool for analysing the condition of the whole body is BIA – Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis. The level of the fat tissue estimates very precisely with the help of electric waves. It is a non-invasive method that is completely safe for health. Such a study we can perform in specialized diet clinics. A result of more than 25% in men means obesity, while in women the limit is 30% of body fat in the total body weight.
4. Facts and statistics about obesity and overweight
The problem of obesity has risen to enormous proportions and we refer to as a global epidemic that poses a serious threat to health and life.
According to global WHO data from 20161:
- 39% of the world’s population is overweight! That is over 1.9 billion people, but only when we are considering adults. It was also indicated that in this group there were 650 million overweight people and in the following years, the incidence of this condition will significantly worsen.
- 13% of the people in the world have suffered from obesity. This is an alarming fact as it turned out that the statistics had tripled since 1975.
- 340 million cases of obesity or overweight have been estimated among children and adolescents aged 5 to 19 years.
- The percentage of overweight children is also growing every year, and cases of children under 5 are more often reported (in 2019 it was already 38.2 million, i.e. 5.6% of children in this group).
- 2.8 million people die from obesity each year2.
Obesity, right after high blood pressure, high blood sugar, air pollution and smoking; is a factor that increases the risk of premature death.
1 https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/obesity-and-overweight
2 https://www.who.int/news-room/facts-in-pictures/detail/6-facts-on-obesity
5. The causes of overweight and obesity
The basis of overweight and obesity is very complex and often the appearance of these diseases consists of several simultaneously overlapping elements. So this problem is very individual and complex for each patient.
The leading causes of obesity include:
- Poor diet, which is the main factor responsible for excess weight. If the energy balance of our body is wrong, then too many calories are converted into fat.
- Lack of exercise and a sedentary lifestyle, devoid of physical activity.
- With the advancement of technology, food has become highly processed. As a result, many valuable nutrients: vitamins and minerals are lost. And for food production, cheaper substitutes are used, instead of healthy ones, such as partially hydrogenated palm oil, i.e. trans fats, glucose-fructose syrup or refined sugar. Additionally, various types of artificial dyes and preservatives extend the shelf life. As a result, groceries are cheap and readily available, but very unhealthy.
- Bad habits established in adolescence and family predispositions have a significant influence on the shaping of the figure. However, the genetic factor is not the decisive factor here. So if you lead a healthy lifestyle, this tendency may remain dormant.
The other causes of obesity:
- The development of future metabolic mechanisms in the foetal period. If a state of malnutrition occurs during pregnancy, the child learns and consolidates the defensive energy-saving mechanism already in this important period, as a result of which limited energy resources are stored as fat tissue. Such behaviour may lead to a tendency to gain weight and insulin resistance in the next stages of life and be a cause of an increased risk of obesity. This issue is called foetal programming.
- Diseases that may be associated with overweight and obesity are other stimuli. One can mention thyroid and pituitary dysfunctions, hormonal fluctuations and genetic diseases, e.g. Down syndrome, in which obesity is included.
- Stress – as a result cortisol is produced in the body, which in turn disrupts metabolic processes and effectively hinders fat burning.
- Psychological factors – when many people are ‘eating sad feelings’.
- Overeating – caused by a lack of satiety. In obese people, neurohormonal disorders occur, leptin does not work properly and even after a nutritious meal they are still accompanied by a strong, unsatisfied appetite.
6. What are the consequences of obesity?
Obesity is a serious health risk with numerous negative effects, including:
- cardiovascular diseases -myocardial infarction, stroke, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension or coronary artery disease,
- diabetes,
- cancers – colon, kidney, liver, prostate or pancreas,
- psychological disorders – depression, problems with self-acceptance, anxiety or isolation from society,
- breathing problems – asthma or sleep apnoea syndrome,
- hormonal disorders – which can even lead to cancer of the ovaries, breast or uterus,
- gastroesophageal reflux,
- osteoarthritis – due to a heavy load on the musculoskeletal system,
- varicose veins of the lower limbs and the risk of thrombosis,
- the risk of premature death is increased.
7. Treatment of obesity
Due to the complexity of the factors causing obesity, the treatment itself is not easy and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Usually, effective therapy requires a combination of several treatments simultaneously, such as:
- diet changing habits and lifestyle
- intense physical activity
- reducing stress factors
- treatment with pharmacological agents
- surgical procedures, including removal of excess body fat and skin or gastric bypass of the stomach
In case of obesity – it is difficult to get out of it by yourself. It is important to use the professional help of doctors and nutritionists who will advise you on how to properly set your diet and limit caloric intake. So that it provides the body with all the nutrients it needs, while maintaining a good and healthy condition. Contact with a personal trainer and physiotherapist is also required, because, for example, joints are heavily loaded due to excessive weight, and in order not to harm yourself, the best solution is to exercise under the supervision of a specialist who will not only ensure proper training but also motivate and give you some self-confidence.
In addition, very often a conversation and the help of a psychotherapist are also very important, to first make the obese person aware of the scale of the problem. Secondly, to work out a plan of action together, learn healthy habits and eliminate mistakes that contribute to excessive weight. It is also worth taking care of the balance of the intestinal microflora because this is where important metabolic processes take place and the absorption of nutrients and their distribution depends on them. Therefore, supplementation with probiotics, prebiotics or dairy products will be helpful.
Summary – How to overcome obesity?
Weight reduction in obesity is very difficult and complex. Because it is associated not only with a change in body shape but is permanently associated with psychological, social and genetic aspects. To overcome this disease, you need to be patient and work on yourself every day, fight the weaknesses, change your habits. To be successful in the fight against obesity, you need to change your mindset. Because a temporary diet, even if you lose weight, can quickly return you to your old weight after it is finished. Only achieving a balance of body and mind, i.e. a holistic approach can bring you closer to the goal of a healthy and optimal weight.