How to take care of hair to make it strong, shiny and nourished?

Have you ever had a situation when your hair did not want to cooperate as you wanted it to? It made you avoid the mirror in the elevator, you looked the other way from the reflection in the shop window, even your reflection in the phone screen irritated you! Are you wondering what is the cause of this? Do you know the saying ‘An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth? – It may be your fault and the hair is a reflection of your health condition and improper care. How to prevent ‘Bad hair day’ and make the hair strong, shiny and nourished?
Just washing and brushing your hair is not enough. You have to take care of your hair – you know it, but do you know how to do it properly? Connect Click wants to help you!
Shining hair facts
- The shine effect is due to the reflection of light from the surface of the hair, and more precisely from its sheath which is colourless.
- When the cuticle is closed, the hair is shinier, and when the hair is dull and dry, it means that the cuticles are open or damaged. This can be easily repaired with the appropriate care and cosmetics, but you should know how to take care of hair.
- Straight hair reflects light at a right angle and that is why it can give the impression that it is healthier than curly hair. This is only an illusion – due to their natural, uneven structure curls reflect the sunrays at different angles and the effect is diffused.
- Black hair shines more than blonde hair. The black colour absorbs more light, which we see in the form of bright reflections, strongly contrasting with the black pigment. That’s why in the majority of hair cosmetic commercials we see brunettes as models.
Hair hygiene is essential
First of all, hair hygiene is important to answet the question: how to take care of hair. So that your hair is healthy and silky, you have to clean it from the remnants of cosmetics and accumulated impurities and bacteria. Regular washing 2-3 times a week using a proper shampoo can work wonders. What does proper shampoo mean? Suitable for our scalp. If you have sensitive skin, use more delicate shampoos. If you have troubles with dandruff you probably should use a special shampoo dedicated to this ailment (remember that too much is unhealthy – when washing your head frequently, use it alternately with a shampoo for sensitive skin). You are washing your hair every day? Make sure that your shampoo does not contain harmful substances of silicone, SLS or SLES.
The technique of washing your hair is also important. Wet your hair with warm, but not hot, water. Before applying the shampoo to the scalp, mix it with a small amount of water in your hands. Gently massage the solution at the root, remembering to do it with your fingertips. You don’t have to distribute the shampoo to the ends. After about 2-3 minutes, rinse your hair thoroughly with cooler water that will help to seal the cuticles (the hair will be more smooth and shiny). If needed you can repeat all of these steps one more time.
Drying your hair is also an art! Yes, you should start calling it drying, because rubbing with a towel equals friction, and this can only hurt your hair. To get rid of excess water, gently wrap a towel around your hair and press it. Then let your hair down and comb it gently.
You have to put some work into brushing your hair
Sounds trivial, right? When I will ask you how you are combing your hair, what will you say? ‘Well, normally, like everyone!’ That’s another step when you can make harm and way to answer: how to take care of hair. A badly chosen tool, pulling your hair with a brush nervously or in a hurry can have dire consequences. The protective cuticle of the hair can be damaged and the resulting gaps make it easier for harmful substances and bacteria to enter the hair. On the other hand, by tugging tangled hair, we are tearing off its ends, making them split, which in turn facilitates their further breaking. So what is the correct way of combing your hair?
It’s best to do it when your hair is wet after washing and we have applied the conditioner. Then, the hair is more smooth and easy to detangle. Start by brushing it gently with your fingers, from roots to ends. Take a natural bristle brush or wide-toothed comb and run over the ends. Was it easy? You can gradually move on to the higher parts until you reach the root. If you have curly hair, avoid dry combing (even if that means brushing once every few days). You’ll quickly see the difference. In turn, straight hair, combed every day, looks smooth and fresh.
Take care of a healthy diet
A healthy diet is a basis. A healthy diet positively affects not only our body and well-being but also help you in answer: how to take care of hair (which also affects our well-being). Here are a few rules to follow to have an advantage in the fight for beautiful hair:
– eat wholesome protein (dairy products, lean meat, eggs) so that the body can build new hair in place of old ones,
– unsaturated fatty acids that are present in sea fish, rapeseed oil, olive oil – will make your hair more shiny and flexible,
– take care of the right amount of minerals by incorporating nuts, almonds and pumpkin seeds into your diet,
– provide vitamins and fibre by consuming fruit and vegetables regularly,
– say NO to the highly processed products
– drink at least 2 litres of water a day, because you have to moisturize your hair from the inside. In addition, by drinking the right amount of water, you are getting rid of toxins from the body,
– avoid stimulants – nicotine, caffeine, alcohol.
If you don’t have much time daily to prepare a sufficient number of meals containing all of these ingredients, you can support yourself with appropriate supplementation.

The hairdresser does not bite
The secret to healthy and astonishing hair is regular visits to the hairdresser. Obviously, I’m not talking about a total metamorphosis every two months but cutting damaged ends, which will significantly improve the appearance of the hair and will make detangling easier. Why is it so important to regularly trim the ends? It might not seem relevant for strengthening your hair. However, if we do not get rid of split ends, the process will advance and the higher parts of your hair will start breaking.
Find your hairdresser. How to do it? By trial and error, visiting your friends’ hairdresser, or searching for opinions on the Internet. When you finally say to yourself, ‘Yes! I’ve found the one!’ – be faithful to them. It will be a person who knows your hair – knows what works well and what is harmful. They can choose a hairstyle that will look divine in all conditions and recommend cosmetics that will not make you harm.
Do not ignore hair oiling
Hair oiling is a method that came to Europe from the Far East, and more specifically from India. It is the place where Hindu women have been using nourishing oils on their hair and scalp in the form of rubs for centuries. When we think about India – we can see with the eyes of our imagination a woman with long, thick, shiny hair – her secret is hair oiling.
The key to smooth and shiny hair is often found in oils. Hair oiling performed at least once a week will strengthen and nourish your hair. You can apply the oil on dry or damp hair, whichever method you like best. Rub the oil in your hands (if it has stood in a cool place and it is solid, warm it up gently) and then, in the liquid form, spread it through your hair. Try not to apply it too close to the root as it will be difficult to rinse off. Leave the oil on your hair for a while. For how long? Observe. For some, an hour is enough, while other types of hair may need several hours or even a whole night. Finally, wash your head and you’re done! But beware, too frequent oiling and inaccurate washing can overburden your hair!
The range of oils is really wide and it is impossible to recommend the best one. At drugstores, you can find special hair oils but you may as well use those from the pharmacy or herbal store. You can become an explorer and create your unique mixtures.
Oils require proper storage. If you will not expose them to high temperature or constant sunlight, they will retain all of their values. The safest place to store them, however, is the refrigerator.
See also: Hair oiling
Regular scalp massage
A good treatment that will oxygenate and stimulate hair growth is scalp massage. Systematic use of this method will make the hair rise at the roots and after a few weeks we will notice the appearance of the so-called ‘baby hair’. Massage can be performed on dry hair, before washing it – for example during oiling, or on wet hair with a hair shampoo. You can find instructions on how to professionally compress and massage the scalp online. The most important rule is – to only use the fingertips, making circular movements and press the fingers more firmly to the head in some spots. There are also many gadgets for hair massage, e.g. special brushes with silicone spikes.
Hot styling
A recipe for success in this case? Do it as rarely as possible!
The more often you use a straightener or a curling iron, the more difficult it will be for you to create a satisfactory hairstyle. The hair will become more dry and brittle. There are thermo-protective cosmetics available but even they will not protect your hair 100%. So how do you minimize the effects of high temperature? First of all, try to make the treatments as short as possible and carry them out at the lowest temperature. Use thermo-protective cosmetics to protect your hair from the harmful effects of heat to at least some extent. Also, use silk which will protect your hair from moisture loss and high temperature.
Golden advice! – Don’t try to force a change. Do you have straight hair? Cool, many girls envy you. Curls are hanging over your eyes? Wonderful, why do you need a straightener! Use it and turn it to your advantage 🙂
Let’s go back to the question we asked at the top:
Do you take care of your hair?
In the daily rush, it is easy to forget about simple, seemingly obvious activities that we do instinctively. However, it is worth remembering about them as they will bring you closer to the goal, which is to get strong, shiny and nourished hair. We have a proposal – sign a contract with yourself in which you will write what you will do for your hair every day. Print and put it in your calendar. Remember, from today bad hair day doesn’t exist for you!