How to strengthen your hair?

Each of us looks with envy at strong, shiny hair, secretly dreaming about it. We run to the drugstore for the cosmetic that we have seen in a commercial but unfortunately, it turns out that the effects are not immediately visible, as in the case of the billboard model. We wonder where we went wrong and how to fix our hair. To achieve the goal and make hair stronger we need to act comprehensively. How to strengthen your hair?
Cosmetics, treatments, supplements are not everything. A healthy lifestyle is also important: sleep, physical activity, proper diet, but also giving up stimulants. We should also mention protection against external factors such as sun, wind, cold. The effects will not be visible immediately, but good hair care can create an optical illusion. Nourished and closed hair cuticle will reflect light better, it will give the impression of shiny, healthy hair.
What steps you should take to answer how to strengthen your hair?
Firstly, a diet strengthening the hair
A hair strengthening diet should contain the nutrients necessary for hair growth. We should focus on the fact that our body does not store up vitamins for later. Therefore, it is important to eat healthy every day. Food products rich in precious minerals and vitamins that will strengthen your hair include:
- Fish – they are an excellent source of protein, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, iron and vitamin B12. A good choice will be fresh salmon.
- Green vegetables – are a source of vitamins A and C, which are important in the production of sebum, as well as calcium and iron. Spinach and broccoli will be the best choice.
- Legumes – rich in protein, biotin, iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. For example, you can eat peas, chickpeas, beans and soybeans.
- Edible oils – these include linseed oil, camelina oil, hemp oil, chia seed oil and many others. All of them contain a concentrated dose of omega-3 fatty acids. You should try to find cold-pressed oils, available in organic food stores. The easiest way to include it in your diet is to add a tablespoon of oil to your salad.
- Liver – it is not a very popular food but very rich in vitamins B2, B9 (folic acid), B12, A, D and iron.
- Nuts – contain fatty acids and zinc. Nuts are a perfect snack or addition to a sandwich (for example – peanut butter).
- Seeds – rich in protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids from the omega-3 group. They can be easily introduced to the diet and used as an addition to salads or smoothies. To this group, we can include flax seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin and chia seeds.
- Dairy – This is a well-known source of calcium.
- Eggs – contain vitamin B12 and biotin.
- Poultry – it’s a good choice to provide protein, iron and zinc.
- Carrots – a source of vitamin A.
- Whole wheat bread – provides B vitamins.
The iron contained in meat and vegetables is poorly absorbed by our organism. A way to increase its absorption is by adding a product containing vitamin C to the meal, e.g. paprika, parsley, rosehip jam or drink blackcurrant juice. The absorption of iron in combination with vitamin C will increase 2-4 times. It should be noted here that coffee and tea have the opposite effect and reduce the bioavailability of iron.
Normally, we do not always have time to prepare a wholesome meal at home. Therefore, during a journey to answer how to strengthen your hair, it is worth reaching for supplements that contain key ingredients and vitamins which are necessary for hair growth.
Secondly, hair care
It would seem that we all know how to strengthen your hair? However, in our daily rush, we forget about small activities that can lead to damaging the hair structure. In your quest for strong hair, these hair care tips may be helpful.
Proper washing of hair
Try to choose a shampoo suitable for your scalp and hair type, e.g. for coloured, curly or damaged hair. Check the composition on the packaging, try to avoid silicones that can clog the pores on your head and SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulphate) which can lead to dryness. It is optimal to wash your hair 2-3 times a week. As for just cleaning hair, a little shampoo on the scalp will be enough as it will flow onto the lower parts of the hair during washing. Gently massage and distribute the cosmetic, remember not to rub your hair because it damages its structure. For the final rinse, you should use cold water to seal the cuticle.
Detangling the hair
Choose a wide-toothed comb to detangle your hair after washing. Start with the ends because there are the most knots and we move up. If you still have a scratchy, metal brush at home throw it away as soon as possible as it damages the hair structure – the best choice is the ones with natural bristles.
Don’t use too many cosmetics
Masks and conditioners should be applied from the middle of the head or to the ends only. Too much product can make your hair heavy and greasy. What’s more, you have to be careful not to put the cosmetics on the scalp, because this way you can get allergies or it can make your hair oily faster or even lead to dandruff.
Massage of the scalp
The scalp should be massaged only with the fingertips, pressing your fingers against the skin, making circular movements. It is important not to scratch the skin with your nails. You can use coconut oil for the treatment – 5 minutes should be long enough then proceed to wash your hair. It will be more convenient if you perform such a massage in the shower with the use of shampoo because wet hair is not so prone to tangling. To notice the effects, this procedure should be performed systematically. In addition to stimulating blood circulation, which accelerates hair growth, massaging exfoliates the callous epidermis and impurities collected on the scalp.
Drying your hair
We cannot ignore the effect of hot air on the cuticle. The cuticle has a structure of overlapping tiles that open when they are exposed to heat. If there is such an option, we should drain the hair with a towel and wait for it to dry on its own. However, you need to be aware that damp hair can absorb contaminants and odours from the environment, e.g. from cigarette smoke. On the other hand, if you are reaching for the dryer – you should dry it in the direction in which the hair grows, i.e. from top to bottom – to close the hair cuticle. When using a diffuser keep it at a distance of 20 cm.
During summer, use UV protective cosmetics but in winter, when going outside you need to remember about wearing a hat or a scarf because frosty air and wind can also damage your hair. At night, it is a good idea to tie your hair in a loose braid, as loose hair can become tangled and be pulled out.
Hair oiling
Hair oiling is a very good nourishing and strengthening treatment for the hair and scalp. Every type of oil is suitable for hair oiling: coconut oil, almond oil, argan oil, olive oil, linseed oil, and even rapeseed oil, although it does not smell as invitingly as coconut oil. The method of application is simple – previously dissolved (in the case of coconut oil) or the one that is already liquid should be warmed up on your hands and gently massaged into the scalp using fingertips and spread over the hair. We should leave the oil on the scalp. According to individual needs, it can be left for 30 minutes, 2 hours or even overnight. Finally, we wash our hair with shampoo and rinse thoroughly. Please note that the hair oiling treatment we can perform once a week, because using this method too often may weigh the hair down.
See also: How to take care of hair to make it healthy?
Thirdly, good habits
The condition of our hair can be influenced by our daily habits. If the body is weakened, the reflection of this condition will also be visible in the hair. How to strengthen your hair?
- Get enough sleep! The adult human organism needs a minimum of 7 hours of sleep. During rest, the body regenerates and stores the energy needed for work on a new day. It is important due to the processes taking place in our body because this is where the mechanism of new hair production begins. If our body will be strong, hair as the products of the epidermis will also grow strong.
- Limit drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.
- Avoid eating sweets, crisps, fatty foods and junk food.
- Lead an active lifestyle – sport may not be for everyone, but at least a walk during the day will improve circulation and oxygenate the cells.
- Take time to relax – this is also very important.