How to strengthen the hair after chemotherapy?

As a result of chemotherapy, the hair roots and their entire structure becomes weakened. Hair breaks at the roots fall out and begin to thin out over time. Most doctors’ advice is to cut them off completely to avoid any unpleasantness. After you complete the treatment, the body regenerates and all processes return to their natural state. Many people ask themselves how to strengthen hair after chemotherapy?
Why does my hair fall out after I start chemotherapy?
Cytostatics, present in the drugs supposed to fight cancer, do not distinguish healthy cells from cancer cells. They attack not only neoplastic lesions but also healthy cells of the whole organism. Then it is possiblity of disturbance of the process of cell division and stopping the natural growth of hair. As a result the hair bulbs begin to die. So the weakened structure of the hair causes it to break at the roots. The first negative effects of treatment are visible already 2 weeks after the first dose. However, after the end of chemotherapy, hair may fall out intensively for a month. However, to thicken your hair, it is better to cut it and wait for it to grow back at the same rate, thick and strong. Not all patients experience complete hair loss. It depends on the doses and type of cytostatics selected by the oncologist. Alopecia can affect hair on the whole body, e.g. on the arms, legs, eyebrows and in private places.
Gentle hair care during and after chemotherapy
How to strengthen the hair after chemotherapy? It is important not to burden the already weakened hair and scalp – through styling, colouring or using strong cosmetics. It is worth choosing a delicate shampoo, e.g. for children, because it does not contain harmful substances and it is safe for the skin. When combing your hair, you should start at the ends, and gradually move upwards. To avoid tugging and tearing out already stressed hair roots, you should choose a comb with widely spaced teeth. Sun protection is also crucial, so in case of full or partial baldness, it is advisable to wear scarves, turbans or wigs. Such special hair care should be carried out for at least six months after the end of treatment.
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Why is it worth strengthening hair after chemotherapy?
Hair needs a large dose of nutrients for proper growth and building blocks, among others, it needs a lot of vitamins, minerals and microelements. If you want the process to run properly, it is also worth strengthening the blood vessel system (responsible e.g. oxygenation of the scalp). Through small blood vessels – oxygen and micronutrients are delivered to the hair follicles. The ideal solution is supplementation and the choice of natural nutricosmetic. It is a comprehensive source of valuable ingredients that work in synergy to strengthen not only the hair but also the immune system or blood vessels, the nervous system or the endocrine system. If the body is weakened, the entire process of hair growth will also be ineffective.