How to start running?

Everyone is running. And you want to start too. You type a common phrase into the search engine: ‘How to start running’ and you are flooded with articles about what pace you should run at the beginning, after what time you can start running in the marathon, how important various gadgets are and how much it all costs. And the enthusiasm passes.
Is it that hard? How did our ancestors run after mammoths without all of this? Indeed, they did not live long, but was it because they did not have individually fitted shoes?
Too much information makes us think that we are doing everything wrong. And when we hear ‘running is a pleasure’ for the hundredth time, we are starting to doubt whether the author of the statement is in their right mind. Therefore, to prevent such misunderstandings in the future, we have created a list of simple tips on how to start running.
Go for a check-up before your first workout session
Running is good for your health. But if you are planning your first session, be sure to get a routine check-up. A visit to a cardiologist and basic blood tests can protect you from the serious consequences that may occur due to physical activity without knowing your health condition. You will likely ignore this point, but if you have respect for your life and health, make an appointment.
Make a running plan
A good plan is half the battle – you must have heard that. But what does it mean a good plan? In this case, it is the one that you feel comfortable with. What to include in the plan? How many times a week do you want to run, what part of the workout will you jog and walk, what will you take with you, what route will you choose…
If your friend is an experienced runner, you can ask him or her to help you with creating your plan. They can even introduce you to their runner world and will do it with great pleasure. You will also gain a companion for running, and as you know, doing something together makes it easier.
Set a goal
The goal might be your greatest motivation. It is important to choose it well. If running is your goal, you will achieve it with your first running session. I ran, I achieved the goal, tomorrow I’m just going to stay on the sofa. But if running is a way to achieve your goal, it will be much easier for you. Example? Willingness to improve my condition – ‘I want to sign up for martial arts training in two months.’ And during the run, you already have a vision of yourself in leather gloves and a sparring partner lying in front of you on the floor.
Next? You may want to lose excess body fat. Remember, however, that if you have a lot of fat tissue, consult a doctor, because in this case running will put a lot of strain on your joints, which probably will cause pain. It can also contribute to unnecessary injuries. In such a situation you may consider another form of physical activity. You will start running when you are in better shape.
Get the right equipment
Shopping list of the things that are necessary for running for the beginners:
- trainers.
And that’s it! If you’re just starting your adventure with running, don’t overdo it. Huge selection and high prices of some pieces of equipment can make you dizzy. Get started with comfortable cushioned running shoes. If you are a woman, it is worth investing in a sports bra. A comfortable outfit is essential.
Don’t wait until you want to do it – just go and do it
I’ll go for a run in an hour. Or maybe tomorrow. As long as the sun is shining, a gentle light wind blows, and a flock of hares is hopping in front of me… We are making a fair warning – it does not work! Not at the very beginning. Later, probably yes, you have your routine and addicts often experience a lack of stimulus. But you should do it now! And if you need to postpone it, put it in your calendar and make it a priority.
Do a warm-up before physical activity
See? It is not that hard! You went outside. Now what? Run? Go? Turn back? Stay calm.
Start by walking, and if you feel a little warmer, gently speed up your walk. Stop and do arm circles forward and backwards. Proceed to warm up the neck – head turns to the right, left, up and down. Then do hip circles. Bend your legs a few times at the knees and now do knee circles (inwards, then outwards). Also, take care of warming up the ankles (yes, circulation again). How many times? You can assume 10 in each direction. If you feel like you haven’t warmed up enough, you can take more time to do so and add some skips.
On your marks. Get set. Go!
Yes, now you are ready and you can start running. But start slowly, you do not want to end up after a hundred meters with the Sahara in your mouth, desperately gasping for the air. Start with jogging. You can alternate between walking and jogging. And there is nothing wrong with that. Each of the marathon runners passing you has started at some point and as long as they remember their beginnings, they respect you for the fact that you are not rushing and acting wisely.
How to start running? Don’t turn back – keep going
10 long minutes have passed and you are already weak. First thought: water! (read: let’s go home). Don’t turn back! You can’t run, so just go. Walk around, watch what’s happening around you, rest in motion. Once you’ve got your breath balanced, try to jog a bit more. Don’t give up too soon, it’s not worth it. After that, go home calmly. You will feel that you have pushed your next limit. You have taken another step towards your goal.
How to start running? Stretch your muscles after training
After training, stretch your calves, thighs, buttocks, and chest muscles. Keep your muscles tense for about 15-20 seconds. This will help to minimize soreness the next day and facilitate blood flow through the muscles. Focus the most on the Achilles tendon and the quadriceps.
How to start running? Record your running progress
As soon as you got home and replenished fluids, open a notebook and write down what you did. How long did the workout last, what was the distance you ran, how long was the jogging part, how did you feel, do you see the difference compared to the previous training, your reflections, some brilliant thought that you came up with during the run. Whatever you want and what comes to mind. You’ll see that soon you’ll be reading it with a smile on your face.
How to start running? Don’t overdo it…
- with the amount of training (it is easy to get discouraged or bored quickly),
- with pace (start with a slower pace; the training will take longer and you will not come home disappointed),
- with the amount of water during training (better to drink more after finishing the run).
All these points are not rules, but our tips. Running should be fun for you. Remember that sport is good for your health, but do everything wisely.
Good luck!
See also: Creatine – the most effective training supplement