Hair loss after Covid-19. How to deal with this problem?

Since the coronavirus pandemic, people who had the SARS-CoV-2 virus have been complaining of a variety of ailments. They remain after full recovery. It’s a Covid-19 long tail. That is usually shortness of breath, fatigue, insomnia, muscle pain, burning sensation in the chest. There are often other problems of a neurological background. Among the people who recovered, we hear a lot of sudden and intense hair loss after Covid-19. It occurs 2 to 3 months after suffering from Covid-19 infection and may last for the next several months.
Why hair loss after Covid-19 disease?
The natural life cycle of hair is slow and almost imperceptible. In the last phase, the hair falls out and new one called ‘baby hair’ replace them. The cycle repeats itself. However, a strong stimulus, such as a serious illness and high fever, debilitating inflammation of the entire body, high levels of stress, malnutrition, taking strong medications, or a traumatic, emotional event can disrupt the whole process. We are talking then about telogen effluvium. Because a large number of hair roots enter the resting period prematurely (over 30% or more). There is an intense hair loss and visible thinning of the hair volume. Because it takes 2-3 months before the old hair bulb is pushed out of the hair follicle. So the reason should be looked for in the past. In this case in some people it is precisely the long-term effect of Covid-19.
The good news is that telogen effluvium can be successfully treated. And lost hair will grow back over time because the hair follicle and papilla are not damaged. All you need is a decent energy boost. It should contain a large dose of vitamins and minerals essential. Because it influences for the proper development of the hair, which will stimulate the hair follicles and boost it to grow rapidly. A good choice will be supplementing the necessary ingredients, e.g. with Hair+ from Body Empire.
Telogen effluvium as a negative long-term effect of Covid-19
You shouldn’t worry though if you have had the coronavirus, it does not mean that your hair will start losing hair. It is estimated that this problem affects 24% of patients who have undergone Covid-19. Although the cause of hair loss is not related to infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, experts point to severe stress as the main culprit. In combination with high fever and general weakening of the whole organism, it can cause telogen effluvium.
How to recognize excessive hair loss?
If you have noticed that your hair has started to fall out in excessive amounts – so over 100 hair a day – then this is a cause for concern. Additionally, when you are finding hair in the morning on your pillow, and during the day it flies off your head without any brushing or pulling, and you collect a large amount of hair during washing – this is a clear signal that you should take action. It is not worth waiting and counting on the fact that it is only a temporary decrease in immunity and everything will return to normal soon. It is important to react as quickly as possible and at least partially stop or slow down hair loss.
What is the recipe for stopping hair loss after Covid-19?
The key is to act on many levels through diet, supplementation, healthy lifestyle, getting enough sleep, good care, scalp massages that will oxygenate hair bulbs, and even additional specialized stimulating treatments. All people struggling with intense hair loss want to restore the lost volume, so it is worth acting quickly. Unfortunately, treatment is a long process, and you have to wait at least a few months for the desired volume.
Even if you think you are eating healthy, your diet may be deficient in vitamins and trace elements. For example, frequent drinking of coffee or tea may reduce the absorption of valuable minerals, e.g. iron. That is why it pays off to invest in the Hair+ dietary supplement from Body Empire, rich in B vitamins (B12, B6, B2), vitamin C, A, biotin, niacin, thiamine, folic acid, pantothenic acid and important micronutrients such as zinc, selenium and copper. As well as natural plant extracts known for their strengthening properties. They will have a positive effect on the improvement of hair growth pace, have a protective effect due to their antioxidant properties, but also improve the blood supply to the scalp, thanks to which more oxygen and nutrients get to the hair bulb. All this will make your new hair grow healthier, stronger, more flexible and thicker.
Natural ways to healthy hair
It is also a good idea to use herbal rubs or oiling the scalp, which will provide the hair follicles with valuable minerals from the outside. It is quite laborious, but such home treatments combined with massage stimulate the hair bulbs, oxygenate them and stimulate them to work.
You should also make sure you get enough rest and lead a healthy lifestyle filled with physical activity. After having Covid-19, the body is weakened and prone to infections, anxiety or depression. To protect our organism from excessive stress and to strengthen the entire body, you should get enough sleep and find time to relax during the day. Being physically active again after an illness is not easy, so at the beginning, you can start with walks in the fresh air, which will oxygenate and strengthen the muscles.
Care, on the other hand, is important in order not to overburden or additionally damage the already weakened hair. We often make many mistakes by unconsciously pulling and rubbing our hair while washing, drying and brushing. Even a brush or a comb with a broken tooth or a crooked spike can cause micro-damage. Replacing it with the right equipment can improve the condition of the hair and additionally massage the scalp in a stimulating way.
See also: How to strengthen your hair?
In conclusion, it is important to slow down hair loss after Covid-19
Shiny and healthy hair is the pride you want to show off, and a well-groomed hairstyle complements your styling. When hair starts to fall out in handfuls, it is a cause of immense despair, and the stress it causes is another factor that increases unwanted symptoms. That is why it is so important to act quickly to simultaneously slow down baldness and intensely strengthen new hair from the root, accelerating its growth. In this way, the structure of ‘baby hair’ will be healthy and strong, and the hairstyle will quickly lift at the base, which will give it optical volume.