COVID-19 – What You Need to Eat to Develop Immunity

During a coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, while waiting for vaccinations… but also every day – at work and at home. We need to take care of our immunity. What are the best and natural ways to support our body? Check out the most popular and – most importantly – natural ways to boost immunity (and feel better)!
1. Vegetables and fruits rich in beta-carotene will strengthen immunity
Vegetables and fruits in the diet are crucial for the proper functioning of the body because of the variety of ingredients they provide. One of them is beta-carotene. This substance is converted into vitamin A. It is what boosts the immune response when toxins and other foreign substances enter the body. Good sources of beta-carotene, or provitamin A, include carrots, yams, spinach, kale, broccoli, pumpkins, mangoes and apricots.
2. Immune-stimulating vitamin C
Vitamin C is known for its beneficial effects on human immunity. Among other things, it increases the number of antibodies present in the blood. That influences the overall strength of resistance to infection. According to some studies, supplying the body with doses of vitamin C of the order of 200 mg per day may slightly shorten the duration of cold symptoms.
Natural sources of vitamin C include oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, kiwi, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and red and green peppers.
3. Vitamin D
Another one and good nutrient for our body is vitamin D. The body produces it spontaneously when exposed to sunlight, and deficiencies are common in countries that get less sunlight in the winter – including Great Britain. Vitamin D regulates the production of proteins that kill pathogens, including bacteria and viruses. It also affects the number and activity of NKT lymphocytes, which also limit the spread of pathogens. Vitamin D deficiencies weaken the immune system, which increases the risk of viral infections, including those affecting the upper respiratory tract (which are most frequent coronavirus/COVID-19 complications). In order to provide this valuable component for health and well-being, we can reach them from oily fishes, including canned fishes (such as sardines or salmon), eggs, milk, plant-based milk products (also cheeses), tofu, mushrooms.
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4. Beneficial effects of zinc on immunity
Some studies indicate that zinc mobilizes the action of the immune system, so you can get rid of the symptoms typical of a cold faster. This micronutrient is found in beans, chickpeas, tofu, nuts and grains, yogurt, seafood (oysters, crabs, lobsters) and meats (beef, pork, dark poultry meat).
5. Protein from milk, eggs and grains for immunity
The proper functioning of the immune system also depends on protein, which is an important building block of antibodies and cells responsible for the immune response. Fish, eggs, poultry, beef, milk, cottage cheese, lentils, yogurt, beans and nuts are all good sources of plant and animal protein. This is why it is a good idea to reach for snacks that contain protein. For example, roasted chickpeas are a good choice.
And at last, but not least…
…during the COVID-19 remember to drink water
In order to minimize the negative influence on our health, we have to remember to drink water. Even slight dehydration affects the physical condition of the body and it is recommended to regularly drink fluids. But also soups and products containing a lot of water, including fruit and vegetables are welcome.