Amino Acids – Collagen And All The Rest. What You Need To Know?

What is collagen?
collagen is important to skin. It is a basic building block of our organism – it builds the ‘skeleton’ of cells, tissues and organs of the whole organism, especially the connective tissues. It is also responsible for the look and condition of hair, nails or eyeballs. Its deficiency manifest itself not only in our appearance – our skin and posture changes but also different health problems is occurring.
Amount and quality of collagen mainly determine biological age of humans, which can be easily observed following changes in our skin appearance. It is like that, because lower collagen production comes with age and during illness. Increasing its synthesis is necessary during physical activity, training and exercises, recovery period and rehabilitation.
Where can we find collagen?
Collagen is produced by specific cells in our body: keratinocytes, fibroblasts and chondrocytes. It is built with the use of amino acids (basic ‘bricks’ of every protein) delivered with food. You can find many proper amino acids in meat, fish and dairy. The fish skin has the best and highly absorbed form – its dehydrated concentrate.
Supplementation with collagen
Need of supplementation of our body with collagen is quite obvious. Engineers and biotechnologists all around the world have the same knowledge about this.
Unfortunately, in practice every dietary supplement produced in the world, under the name ‘collagen’ you can find either hydrolysed shredded bovine fibers (in some case even pork ones) or plain gelatine. We do not claim that such products are worthless, but… protein condensation makes these products a very unprofitable purchase. The so called ‘collagen’ present in these products is incomparably less absorbable and contains trace amounts of the most valuable amino acids – primarily hydroxylysine and hydrozyproline. Fish collagen is always tertiary, and this means that it is water-soluble. If it is not the case, we may suspect, that once again marketing term ‘collagen’ has been abused for marketing purposes.
Supplementation with collagen
Majority of other dietary supplements, advertising in its content collagen, contain its much worse structures, with debilitated absorption. Body ReBeauty complements our diet with peptides, free amino acids and hydroxy-amino acids. Above all, it is hydroxylysine and hydroxyproline to a small extent provided with food. What’s characteristic, it’s the ability to stimulate chondrocytes and fibroblasts to produce their own collagen, simultaneously being the best component for its synthesis.
Protein, in the simplest biochemical view is no more than 104 amino acids connected together with peptide bonds. If we estimate, that in protein composition, besides amino acids, are present various elements (mainly carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and sulfur) we can say that protein diversity is almost endless. Average amount of protein necessary to maintain health is about 1,7 g per kg of bodyweight. In human organism, proteins are responsible for almost everything. There are many groups and classifications of proteins. We are interested in functional classification, because this division shows diversity and incredible subtlety of this matter.
Protein functions:
- Immunological – i.e. immunoglobulins;
- Building, structural – i.e. keratin, elastin, collagen;
- Regulatory (hormonal regulation, genetic processes regulation)- regulates course of biochemical processes – i.e. growth hormone, insulin, transcriptional factors and other;
- Transport function – hemoglobin, transferrin ;
- Enzymatic catalysis – from carbon dioxide hydration to replication of chromosomes;
- Storing function – ferritin;
- Membrane permeability control – regulation of metabolites concentration in cell;
- Orderly movement – muscle contractions, movements – actin, myosin.
Amino Acids
Collagen right after it is hydrated, it is broke down to the ‘bricks’ that it was built of – amino acids.
Amino acids ratio in different types of collagen, originating from diverse tissues and species are not the same. For example, the biggest portion of hydroxyproline results in higher resistance of collagen for denaturation in higher temperature, and that is why it is present in bigger amounts in mammals comparing to cold-water fish. However basic proportions are the same, independently to the source of collagen. Generally, it is: glycine 33%, proline 14%, alanine 12%, hydroxyproline 10% and a few percent of: lysine, hydroxylysine, threonine, serine, tyrosine, methionine. Other amino acids can be rarely observed, especially in these parts of collagen molecule, that do not have typical triple helix structure, for example at the ends of helix that are called telopeptides.
Each one of amino acids, beside the ability to be used by the organism once again to build its own collagen protein (or other), has its individual properties and can be used to other purposes.
- Glycine – the smallest amino acid, often it is a substrate to build other amino acids that are more complexed. It has chelating properties toward metal ions what contributes to the disposal of these metals outside of the organism and results in better absorption of needed elements; is helpful in synthesis of many important substances in organism such as: growth hormone, elastin, bile acids, hemoglobin, glutathione or DNA and RNA. Also has calming and anti-stress activity and enhances action of other substances of the same characteristics (glutamic acid), and also significantly expands the blood vessels in brain. Thanks to that, it increases concentration, reflexes, memory and also reduces states of permanent fatigue, additionally it promotes healthy sleep. It exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, what is important in case of people suffering from allergies or autoimmune diseases. It elevates hydration and elasticity of skin, accelerates wound healing. Proper excess of glycine in an organism is of big importance in metabolic cycles.
- Proline – main property of proline is being the component of structural proteins (for example: collagen, elastin, and also keratin), so it corrects the state of all organs, skin, hair and nails. It is also important for moisturizing deep layers of dermis. Proline is also the most anabolic amino acid, and what is more it is the most desired amino acid of such properties in the organism. So, it is one of the most important supplemented substances in bodybuilding, and also in regeneration processes and muscle fatigue.
- Alanine – Alanine plays a key role in process of nitrogen transportation between muscles and liver and also helps in synthesis of glucose from compounds different than sugars. It has a beneficial effect on energetic processes, especially during physical exercises. Alanine also takes part in blood sugar level regulation, metabolism of organic acids and production of antibodies. It can sooth the effects of mild prostate hypertrophy. It is also a component of pantothenic acid (vitamin of B family), carnosine and valine. Its slightly modified form has a great effect on reducing fatigue and affects the efficiency and endurance of muscles. With glycine it helps to survive stages of starvation and poisoning.
and also..
- Hydroxyproline – It is not an amino acid of which the proteins are built – it is created after the protein development, from proline and with the help of vitamin C, lysine and silicon. It is an amino acid superior to collagen and collagen-like proteins. Its presence stimulates the collagen producing cells to elevate collagen production, and even their proliferation. It strongly stabilizes the collagen chain, so the more hydroxyproline present, the collagen becomes harder to damage.
- Lysine – It is an amino acid, which is not produced by the human body (exogenous) and it has to be deliver from the outside. Irreplaceable component of enormous majority of proteins, including those life-dependent. It is also: essential in the collagen production process (and only as its component), but also hormones and antibodies; takes part in muscle and bones formation; stimulates the synthesis of growth hormone; has a big role in cancer prevention (with antioxidants), and especially (with acetylsalicylic acid) in prevention of metastasis. It soothes the symptoms of viral diseases and slows the expansion of viruses, especially herpes and papilloma. Also it is a precursor of carnitine (compound essential for muscle work) and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, so it takes part in maintaining the healthy state of cardiovascular system. What’s important, it’s deficiency results in fatigue and agitation, causes anemia, hair loss, interfere in calcium metabolism of the organism (even in optimal vitamin D levels). It is really important in case of people susceptible to osteoporosis. Lysine also affects increasingly mind activity (concentration, memory), as well as physical activity. Lysine and arginine (another protein amino acid) inhibit the absorption of each other in the digestive system, so during increasing the dose of lysine, it is necessary to lower the level of arginine, and so it won’t block the absorption of lysine.
- DNA Hydroxylysine – same as hydroxyproline, it is not inserted into the structure of collagen protein during its assembly, but it’s created by conversion already inserted lysine. It also doesn’t occur in other collagen-like proteins. Similarly as hydroxyproline, it promotes the synthesis of collagen and it is used to cure injuries in sports as well as in their prevention.
- Threonine – It is essential in process of new muscle proteins synthesis. It is: necessary for proper functioning of nervous system (depression and other neurological disorders) and immune system (production of antibodies); it promotes healthy functioning of digestive system, acting favourably on stomach’s mucous membranes and liver functioning; is a factor correcting the skin hydration, especially in its deeper layers, so it affects its softness, firmness and elasticity. It also takes part in maintaining the proper build of enamel.
- Serine – one of the amino acids of small build (just after glycine). It takes part in nervous system development – especially of the brain and it contributes to metabolism of fats and DNA and RNA synthesis; is important for proper functioning of immune system; is a component of myeloid sheath of nerves (particularly important for people suffering from multiple sclerosis). It soothes the pain and acts as antidepressant, it augments concentration and memory.
as well as
- Tyrosine – it is an amino acid, which human body can produce, but often this process is not efficient enough. The organism uses tyrosine in very many processes. First of all, these substances are affecting the brain and the whole nervous system: adrenalin, noradrenalin, norepinephrine and dopamine. Especially the last one is of great importance for our mood and energy, its deficiency is the main cause of depression. Also thyroid hormones (thyroxine and triiodothyronine) steering the metabolism of the whole organism are products of tyrosine metabolism. In result, supplying the organism with tyrosine, through maintaining the proper level of neurotransmitters, it lowers psychological and physical fatigue or other effects of intensive efforts and also augments the functioning of the brain increasing concentration and stress resistance. It also elevates the willingness to act and has a strong antidepressant activity (better than most of the synthetic drugs), and in many cases it helps in curing the Parkinson disease. Additionally, it decreases appetite and through elevating the production of thyroid hormones it greatly increases burning of calories creating energy and lowering body mass. It corrects the functioning of other secretory glands: adrenal and pituitary. Supplementation of thyrosine delivers great results in treatment of addictions, neurological or hormone diseases.
- Methionine – it is an exogenous amino acid – the human body does not produce it. It takes part in synthesis of every protein; plays a role in stabilisation of DNA, helps in conversion of fats into primary component of cell membranes – phospholipids. It is also the main substrate, which is essential in many processes of methylation, what makes its deficiency very dangerous for the organism. Thanks to it, it produces the most important endogenous antioxidant – glutathione. Methionine, itself also exhibits antioxidant properties. It takes part in absorption of zinc and copper from food and it’s necessary for biosynthesis of cysteine, karnitine, taurine, lecithin, choline, creatine, adrenalin and many other important compounds; slows the process of fatty liver development and helps in detoxifying processes. It plays a role in thyroid and other glands regulation; is also a regulator of nervous and muscle system and prevents the creation of gallstones and kidney stones, atherosclerosis and heavy metal poisoning.