Acidification of the Organism – symptoms, causes, prevention

You get out of bed and go to the bathroom. In the mirror, a tired face is looking back at you. You want to go back to bed but you are aware that another hour of sleep will not make difference. You are squinting eyes with dark circles underneath and your complexion looks different. It was luminous, now you see lumps that become more visible. You are washing your teeth but a slight bitterness in your mouth does not go away. You turn towards the kitchen. Coffee! Now it has to be better. A quick shower and go. When getting inside the car you feel that the shower was not so thorough, you smell an unpleasant scent. You will buy a new deodorant. And maybe some vitamins because you have noticed that lately you easily catch a cold. Bad day? Or maybe have you acidification of the organism?
Acidification of the organism – table of contents:
- How to recognize acidification of the body?
- What is the acidification of the body?
- Acid-base balance in the human body
- Why is maintaining the proper acid-base balance in the human body so important?
- The causes of body acidification
- How does stress affect the acidification of the body?
- Consequences of acidification of the body
- Simple methods to deacidify the body
- A diet eliminating acidification
- Exercise can help fighting acidification in your body
- Supplementation of important minerals that maintain the acid-base balance
- Adequate hydration will help to deacidify the body
How to recognize acidification of the organism?
The most common symptoms that may indicate that your organism is undergoing unwanted changes might be:
- chronic fatigue,
- dark circles under the eyes,
- the unpleasant smell of sweat,
- unpleasant smell from the mouth,
- bloating,
- cheilosis,
- weakened hair and brittle nails,
- eczema, spots on the skin,
- cellulite.
Of course, there are more symptoms but these are the most common ones which are easy to recognize.
What is the acidification of the organism?
Acidification of the body is nothing else than an imbalance of acid-base balance in the organism. To be more specific, in the state of acidification pH of blood is lower than 7,35. The ideal pH of human blood should be between 7,35 and 7,45 (neutral). When an organism cannot neutralise or excrete the excess acid it may lead to tissue or organ damage.
Acid-base balance in the human organism – acidification of the organism
You can compare acid-base balance to a balance scale. On the one side, we have products with acidic pH (highly processed, plain flour, fast food, sweets) while on the other side we can put the products with beneficial basic pH (vegetables and fruits). When there is an imbalance it can cause the acidification of the organism.
Acidification of the organism: the proper pH in the human body is:
- Blood – 7,35 – 7,45 it is an optimal pH value, significant in maintaining good health, condition and well-being as well as homeostasis of the whole body
- Urine – 6,2
- Gastric juice – 2,5
- Stomach – 1,35 – 3,5 – it is a very acidic environment necessary for proper digestin.
On the other hand pH of the face of the skin is between 4,7 – 5,6, while the pH of the scalp is about 5,5 and the hair itself 3,5 – so acidic. In the case of complexion and hair, it is easy to take care of the problem of pH imbalance by taking proper care of them. For the complexion, you can use a tonic and an instant relief for hair will bring acidic rinse with few spoons of lemon juice or vinegar. The situation is different when it comes to bringing back the balance of the whole body. It is not an easy task, which requires being systematic and having self-control over the consumed products.
Acidification of the organism: Why is maintaining the proper acid-base balance in the human body so important?
Proper acid-base balance has a direct influence on the functioning of the whole organism. The human body aims to maintain a state of permanent homeostasis – to simply put it a balance between all of the undergoing internal processes. Body can experience overhelming because of a bad diet and additionally with stress, it has to use large amounts of energy to bring back a proper pH and what is more it takes care of balancing other processes such as regulation of blood pressure and maintaining proper temperature of the body. Therefore we are experiencing a lack of strength and constant fatigue when we are struggling with acidification. It is like that because the organism is constantly working and trying to eliminate this negative state while using energy supplies.
The causes of acidification of the organism
Our lifestyle is the main reason for acidification. Usually, we do not think about blood pH when we are choosing highly processes products, we are drinking another coffee or we undergo another stressful situation. Constant rush – the pace of life, lack of physical activity and forgetting about healthy, balanced and regular meals is not making any favours to your health. You are the one that is pushing you to the edge.
Acidification of the organism: products that are not favouring maintaining a proper pH are:
- highly processed food, e.g. fast food,
- colourful, sweet drinks, carbonated or flavoured water,
- sugar especially refined ones and sweeteners,
- stimulants,
- cereal products such as bread or pasta,
- white rice,
- coffee,
- tea (except green),
- porridge, barley,
- meat, poultry (including eggs) and fish,
- dairy products, e.g. cheese, cottage cheese, ice cream,
- some nuts: peanuts, cashews, roasted peanuts, pistachios,
- as well as medications or antibiotics.
How does stress affect the acidification of the organism?
Another factor that contributes to body acidification – prolonged stress, which is an ideal source of many health problems. In this case, its high level impacts the digestive system. You also can have a nervous or anxious stomach – this is a fact. A sudden spike of adrenaline stimulates gastric juice production, which in excess or excreted too often can irritate the mucosa, causing pain, tension, diarrhoea, nausea, burning sensation or even ulcer formation. This directly worsens digestion and favours the maintaining of body acidification. Stress also causes that instead of food metabolization stays in the stomach for a long time (even up to 24 hours) causing bloating.
Consequences of acidification of the organism
As a consequence of a permanent state of acidification, the organism becomes weak and its proper functioning experiences disturbation. As a result, we can observe:
Significant decrease in immunity – acidification of the organism
This is the reason why you are more susceptible to different kinds of infection. If the season of cold and flu is beginning there is a high chance that you are going to catch one of these.
Chronic fatigue – acidification of the organism
Is a permanent state of weakness. Even in the morning, after 8 hours of sleep, after waking up you are feeling drowsy, sleepy, without energy to live and with no intention to eat breakfast. Overloaded kidney function– these organs are responsible for excreting harmful substances as well as acids. Because of too many of these substances and the prolongation of state of acidification, there is a significant decrease in the efficiency of this important organ. That is why a part of toxins and acids stays in the bloodstream.
Bad complexion condition – acidification of the organism
You are what you eat – you can often liisten. But actually, there is a truth in it. If your diet is full of processed food and sweets (refined sugar is the main reason for acidification) and you are drinking loads of coffee and tea – this will cause problematic, grey skin that is prone to pimples and eczema. Additionally, not excreted toxins, will find another way out through skin and mucosa. As a result, we can observe imperfections, inflammation, allergies or acne.
Hair problems – acidification of the organism
It may seem that problems with hair are not connected with acidification. Life of hair begins under the skin in the hair bulb. As a result of acidification pH of blood drops and blood is responsible for the transport of nutrients and oxygen to each of the body cells – also to hair. So the reason for hair loss, and weakened, brittle strands is lack of proper nutrition and oxygen deficiency.
Metabolic problems – acidification of the organism
Giving symptoms of bloating, heartburn, constipation or diarrhoea. These are very uncomfortable symptoms, not only they are ruining a good mood they make normal functioning impossible.
Negative impact on bones and connective tissue – acidification of the organism
Too high concentration of undigested acid accumulates in connective tissue, creating deposits – acidic mucous. To fight this, the organism directs the reserves of magnesium, calcium and potassium towards them, which are quickly used up. It is an ideal basis for the development of rheumatism, nerve, joint and muscle pains, osteoporosis and tooth decay.
The organism is constantly lacking calcium, magnesium and potassium – acidification of the organism
These basic minerals are used in the fight with excessive concentration of acids in the organism. As a result of their deficiency demineralization of bones, nails or hair occurs.
Weight gain – acidification of the organism
Natural digestive processes are harmed, even when we are watching the calorie intake we can observe the increase in weight.
Swelling – body retains water – acidification of the organism
Body’s defence reaction to dilute the acidity of the blood and get rid of the harmful substances.
Accelerating tissue ageing – acidification of the organism
Formation of wrinkles.
An acidic environment is favouring the development of many diseases – acidification of the organism
Diabetes, overweight, atherosclerosis, joint failure, cancer (its cells multiply faster) or hypertension.
Recurring migraine or headache – acidification of the organism
Bad mood and susceptibility to depression – acidification of the organism
Simple methods to deacidify the body – acidification of the organism
To be honest there is no universal advice for eliminating body acidification that works for everyone. The main point in regaining balance is diet and change of eating habits but giving up the established habits can be difficult. Simultaneously you have to add physical activity to your daily routine and try to relax, rest and eliminate stress. Supplementation of basic minerals will be also helpful.
A diet eliminating acidification of the organism
The best choice for us will be simple food, that is least processed and comes from nature: vegetables, fruits or herbs. Our bodies are not biologically adapted to digest huge amounts of processed products, that were refined and hugely contribute to creating acidic pH in the body. Dieticians recommend that diet should be largely composed of basic food. Imagine dinner plate, meat should take less than a quarter of the space, and the rest should be filled with sides such as vegetables. Between meals, you should eat fruits and drink plain water instead of coffee. It is also estimated that a good proportion between acidic and basic food should be 20% to 80%, respectively, in daily food balance.
Acidification of the organism: among the food that should be included in the daily menu we should find:
The best choice will be the fresh ones (avoid mixed vegetables with the addition of ready sauces, sugar, dyes, hardened oils, flavours) Choose zucchini, beetroot, kale, spinach, cucumbers, parsley, tomatoes, celery, eggplant, broccoli, radish, cauliflower, carrots, pumpkin, Brussels sprouts, garlic or artichokes. However, for example, boiled potatoes are quite an acidifying product, so it is better to limit them and be careful with their amount.
Everyone knows that they are an important part of the diet, but we forget about them in a hurry. A good choice will be watermelons, bananas, strawberries, peaches, grapes, raspberries, apples, avocado, melon, kiwi, lime, citrus (yes, they are acidic, but they do not affect acidification but have beneficial alkalinity). The exceptions are dried fruit, preserves, jams or sweetened juices.
Herbal or green tea
Not only do they have a good pH but also help remove toxins from the body.
Sea salt, cayenne pepper, ginger, red hot pepper, garlic, cumin, caraway, onion, fennel.
Cold-pressed oils
Olive oil, linseed oil, evening primrose oil, avocado oil, or coconut oil (but not refined).
Beans and fresh legumes
Quinoa, buckwheat, spelt, millet, white beans, lentils, tofu, soy flour, soy nuts.
Goat’s milk
Pumpkin seeds.
We should underline, that certain food that is blamed for acidification is beneficial for the organism and its presence in the diet is necessary as a source of protein, amino acids, vitamins, microelements. For example meat, grain products or cheese. But we should remember not to overdo with their amount and try to balance the excess of them in the menu with plant products, fresh vegetables and fruit. However, we should eliminate sweets, any refined sugars or sweeteners and highly processed foods – that will have a positive effect on your metabolism. So you shouldn’t go to extremes and give up the acidic products in your diet right away.
Exercise can help fighting acidification of the organism
“Movement is healthy” is true. Through physical activity, we are stimulating the circulatory system and cells of the whole body are getting a supply of oxygen and precious energy. Better blood flow helps to get rid of an acidic environment and to balance pH to its optimal value. Through rapid breathing, CO2 is also released with the exhaled air. In addition, during exercise, beneficial endorphins (happiness hormones) are released, which are reducing the effects of stress.
Supplementation of important minerals that maintain the acid-base balance – acidification of the organism
This is also a good idea because the organism that has been faced with prolonged acidification is fighting with calcium, magnesium and potassium deficiency which presence in the system is very important. They have alkaline (basic) activity so even if they are introduced with diet, their resources are used for neutralization of acids and their negative effects.
Adequate hydration will help to deacidify the body – acidification of the organism
Water has a beneficial impact on our organisms. Its regular drinking and keeping a proper daily intake helps to maintain the balance of the whole body. Among the advantages of drinking water are: kidney support and flushing out toxins, elimination of swelling and excess water, improvement of the digestive system function, increased concentration and energy. The recommended daily fluid intake is about 2 litres, but more specifically it is 30 ml for every kilogram of body weight. In addition to water, herbal tea and green tea are good choices.
How to prevent acidification of the organism?
Take some time to spend planning your meals. The planned meal will give you the satisfaction that you are eating healthy and that you strive for good health. It is important to avoid over-eating meat and foods that are highly processed. The acidification of the body is also influenced by popular slimming treatments such as the Atkins diet (low-fat) or the Dukan diet (low-carbohydrate and high-protein). The diet should be well-balanced.
Reduce the number of cups of coffee you are drinking during the day. Try to find a form of relaxation other than a cigarette at lunchtime. Limit contacts with people who get on your nerves.
Don’t forget about the water. Drink at least 2 litres of water a day, and in the morning squeeze the juice of one lemon into a glass. Contrary to appearances, lemon does not acidify the body. Introduce regular fruit and vegetable snacks. And remember that you are doing it primarily for yourself and for your health, to keep it as long as possible.