3 easy ways for fast weight loss

Most fast weight loss diets involve limiting your caloric intake (bordering on starvation). In the initial phase of treatment, these methods are effective and guarantee you to lose a few kilos, but this is the result of water loss in the body, not fat burning. From a biological point of view, our body is prepared for long periods of fasting – in other words, called the starvation mode, when the body tries to accumulate energy and calories while the metabolism slows down. Such restrictive diets usually end with the yo-yo effect and many negative effects such as hair loss, bad complexion or exhaustion.
What is the right way when you want to reach weight loss quickly and effectively? What will allow you to maintain long-term effects, a healthy body, well-being and boost your metabolism?
Here are 3 main rules that will allow you to lose a few pounds quickly.
- Maintain a protein diet enriched with valuable fats and vegetables.
- Limit appetite stimulants.
- Exercise at least 3 times a week.
Following these 3 steps is the key to success. It’s enough to just stick to them and the weight loss process will go smoothly and quickly.
Maintain a protein diet enriched with valuable fats and vegetables
Protein products should form the basis of any diet. This ingredient is called the building block of our body. It is a part of all internal organs, muscles, bones, cells of the entire body, and even hair. It is a basic component of the human menu that cannot be forgotten or, even worse, completely excluded. It is very important if you want fast weight loss.
You will find the protein in:
- meat, the most abundant sources are chicken, turkey, beef tenderloin or pork ham, lamb,
- eggs,
- fish and seafood, such as salmon, cod, trout or shrimps,
- vegetables, but those low in carbohydrates.
After a meal, the main ingredient of which is protein, we are satiated for a long time. As a result, the appetite is limited and you do not feel the need to reach for snacks, which is a huge plus for someone who is on a diet. This will help you to reduce the number of calories consumed during the day, which will translate into faster weight loss.
Do not give up on fat in your diet!
Of course, the healthy ones, that bring many health benefits. They improve the work of the brain, ensure full absorption of vitamins A, D, E, K, help to build immunity, strengthen the heart and circulatory system. So they are very important if you want to have a healthy diet and lose weight fast. These are unsaturated fatty acids, necessary for the proper functioning of the body, a good source of them is:
- Fish – salmon, mackerel, herring, cod,
- Nuts – introduce them to your diet as snacks in between meals (instead of sweets),
- Healthy oils – cold-pressed (not refined) such as olive oil, linseed oil, pumpkin seed oil, avocado oil, coconut oil – as an addition to dishes such as salads,
- Avocado
Reach for vegetables that are low in carbohydrates
It may sound obvious but vegetables are very healthy and provide many nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Often, however, they are not present on the plate, which is a huge mistake. Remember! When it comes to vegetables, you don’t need to limit yourself and count calories if you want fast weight loss, but choose those low in carbohydrates, that is:
- Tomatoes
- Spinach
- Broccoli
- Cabbage
- Kale
- Cauliflower
- Cucumber
- Lettuce
- Brussels sprouts
- Swiss chard
- Asparagus
- Mushrooms
- Zucchini
- Garlic
- Celery
Limit appetite stimulants – fast weight loss
Often the culprit of extra kilos is a ravenous appetite. For this reason, by eliminating certain food products from the diet, you can tame and calm your appetite down.
Give up carbohydrates and sugar. Bad carbohydrates include highly processed fast food products, sweet desserts, cookies, ice cream, containing white refined sugar, white flour products, bread, pasta, and starch.
After consuming carbohydrates, insulin level spikes in your blood quickly, giving you a boost of energy. Unfortunately, the effect is short-lived and after a while, the blood glucose level drops, the body demands another dose of carbohydrates, there is a strong appetite and the need to eat a snack or something sweet. This creates a vicious cycle that is hard to stop.
A low-carbohydrate diet, or otherwise known as a ketogenic diet, will help. It involves limiting the consumption of carbohydrates to the necessary minimum, i.e. less than 50 grams a day. Thanks to this, the feeling of hunger and constant craving for various snacks will be minimized. And your belly will stop being so bloated.
Carbohydrates are an essential part of a normal diet, they are like fuel, adding energy to the whole body quickly. Therefore, you can choose 1 day a week and allow yourself to vary your diet to supplement carbohydrates if you feel the need to do so. However, choose healthy carbohydrate sources such as brown rice, sweet potatoes, porridge, buckwheat or whole-grain products.
Important! If you’re running out of energy while on a diet to fast weight loss, instead of a snack reach for:
- Coffee – apart from its stimulating properties, the caffeine contained in it will accelerate the metabolism.
- Green tea – valued for its cleansing properties, rich in antioxidants, vitamins, microelements, lipids, theine, tannins and polyphenols. During the first brewing, when drunk warm, it warms up the digestive system and adds energy. Drank cold, brewed a second time, it calms you down and helps you to relax. But don’t pour boiling water over it.
- Water – yes, weakness, weariness, or a headache can often be the result of dehydration. That is why it is worth having a bottle of clean water with you and sip it regularly throughout the day.
- A glass of water before a meal – in addition, drinking water half an hour before a meal will make you less hungry and result in eating less food.
- Nuts – low carbohydrate intake can make your diet deficient in fibre, so try this form of a snack. Nuts are rich in healthy unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and trace elements. However, they are high in calories and must be eaten with caution.
Exercise at least 3 times a week
Don’t worry, if you are not a fitness fan and are reluctant to crowded gyms filled with slim girls and sculpted bodybuilders. You can simply choose the sport you like and in addition to burning calories, your body will start to produce endorphins of joy. They have a beneficial effect on the condition, good body appearance and balance of the body because they alleviate the effects of stress by fighting high cortisol levels.
It is pivotal to incorporate various forms of physical activity into your daily routine. Strength training and weight lifting are for sure the most effective if you want to burn fat quickly. But when you are just starting your diet, it might be hard to get into a sports lifestyle and break your habits. Therefore, start with light activities, more enjoyable such as walking, gymnastics, cycling, running or swimming. Group activities, such as aerobics, martial arts, Pilates, dance or yoga, can also be motivating.
When will you see the effects?
As soon as after the first week of using the diet, you can notice weight loss in the range of 2 kg to even 4.5 kg. This is partially due to the loss of water in the body, but also the initial phase of fat burning. In the following weeks, the results will not be so spectacular, everything will stabilize and if you include intensive training in your routine, you will be able to lose a few kilos in 2 months.
See also: How to effectively lose weight and obtain a healthy, slim figure?
To sum up!
If you follow all the 3 rules described above, you will be able to lose weight quickly. The combination of a diet based on protein products, fats and vegetables, with the simultaneous limitation of carbohydrate consumption and, of course, physical exercise – this is a guarantee of success on the way to change the appearance of your figure. This method of losing weight is simple and does not require you to count calories. As long as you do not overdo it with the portion size and skillfully implement the assumptions of this plan.